Structural characterization of Myxococcus xanthus MglC, a component of the polarity control system, and its interactions with its paralog MglB The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021 Jan 22
"Comparative structural analysis of MglC with other RLC7 family proteins. A , structural superposition of MglC in orange with other proteins of RLC7 family LAMTOR2 (PDB ID: 5Y3A, blue ), and MglB from <t>Myxococcus</t> <t>xanthus</t> , (PDB ID: 6H5B, pink ). B , structural comparison of MglC showing difference in relative orientation of α2 compared with other RLC7 family proteins. MglB, M utual gl iding-motility protein B ; MglC, M utual gl iding motility protein C ; RLC7, R egulatory L ight C hain 7. "